9 years old boy Oswald wrote this letter to his parents highlighting what he will be expecting on his "OUR DAY" so the mother then gave the letter to a friend and letter found it on social media and caught the attention of many. Being emotional and stating categorically what he expect on his "OUR DAY" held twitter to a stand still for days. Brands mentioned in the letter have taken full responsibility of the parents upon themselves and have donated massively to little Oswald to make his dream "OUR DAY" a come true. 

"Say Cheese" hitmaker Kidi who held a show the previous day couldn't resist the amazement of Oswald's famous letter hence, Kidi has proves his indefatigubility by donating and performing at little Oswald's anticipated "OUR DAY CELEBRATION". I was so amazed after reading his letter. 9 years with this English! Indeed Oswald is a brilliant pupil and deserves all the celebrations. Mrs Appiah Ayekoooooooo!

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