MTN Fintech Group together with Mastercard launches MTN Momo Mastercard last Thursday 29, February 2024.  After this convention the two parties made known to the public that, in other to broaden their customer reach it is best they establish this initiative, which will help their customers transact money over 100 million points. 

This initiative however will function in all the 13 African countries MTN Fintech group operates in, that is; Ghana, Cameroon, Benin, Cote d'lvoire, Eswatini, Liberia, Nigeria, the Republic of Congo, the Republic of Guinea, Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia and Uganda. 

Remittance from abroad and near shall be stress free, fast and secured. Mastercard promised to fasten cyber security concerning this initiative in other to make their customers assured that their money is safe with the telecommunication Network (MTN). 

There shall be more update about this topic. 

Stay tuned in.

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